22 Oct 2012

Heartwood Forest bridleways and mountain bike access

There are a couple of things going on for bike access at Heartwood forest.
Firstly, progress is being made on converting footpath 32 into a bridleway using a grant from the Paths For Communities Scheme being run by Natural England. The bridleway will run parallel to St Albans road from the entrance to Heartwood Forest car park to Nomansland and should allow linkage into the bridleways which run from the North end of Nomansland back into Heartwood, giving us a continuous off-road circuit. We will be looking at how this route can be extended towards Wheathampstead since the stretch of St Albans road between Nomansland and Whaeathampstead is fast and narrow.
Secondly, the Woodland Trust is complaining that mountain bike access to the aincent forest areas (Langley Wood and Well Wood/Pudlers wood) is causing damage, and the Woodland Trust is considering installing additional gates/barriers to prevent this. Mountain bike access to these woods is prohibited, so please don't ride there- even if you have been riding there for years before the Woodland Trust bought the site. Comitteee members are meeting Heartwood management in early Novemeber to discuss the issue and will be asking the Woodland Trust if they would consider building mountain bike trails elsewhere in Heartwood so that mountain bike riders have somewhere more interesting to ride than the existing bridleways. The Woodland Trust doesn't seem to follow the Forestry Comission's ;ead on providing mountain bike trails, but we will see where gentle negotiation leads us. The terrain isn't steep so cross-country trails would be most appropriate, pitched for intermediate riders. Please let us know what you think.


Simon said...

Excellent to read something positive is going to happen. Hopefully more to come. In the meantime, I'll stop taking people through those woods.

rich said...

I agree with Simon,as part of a large local group of MTBers we will support any postive moves towards decent local trails